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The First Time is Always the Hardest

September 5: A few hours ago, anxious as heck, I sat in the parking lot at my local gym, waiting. On a whim I signed up for a membership last week with some friends and tonight was my first time visiting said gym. We were taking a 30 minute #HIIT class and while I was excited to try it, I was crippled with fear and anxiety. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. My belly gets in the way of everything. I’m not bendy in any way. Like at all! And, I have hip issues. I hate being watched.  My anxiety made me get to the gym 40 minutes early. Scared I’d be late. Scared to show up after the class started. Everyone looking at me. So I sat in the car waiting. Fretting. Beating myself up for letting myself “go” all these years. If I had stayed in shape, I wouldn’t be scared I’d throw up in front of everyone. I fretted until the very last minute before the class started. But knowing I had a friend waiting and counting on me made me move my butt out of that car. Inside the gym, I swipe my pass and I can

Conquering Health and Fitness Goals in 2021

Did you know I’ll be 40 this year?

So in light of that new revelation, I did a thing. I made a promise to myself for 2021. 

SOME may say it’s a resolution if you will.

Like many years before, I’ve resolved to get my "healthy on" and get back in shape. Yup. You’re stuck listening to me about this again.

Back in January I committed to stop throwing away my money to WW (Weight Watchers). While I still believe tracking every BLT (bite, lick, taste) is an essential way to keep myself accountable, the WW program just wasn't working for me. So I downloaded a free calorie counting app to help me in my weight loss journey.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE WW and I don’t think it’s a waste of money per se...I just can’t find a way to make the program work for me. No matter how I slice and dice it, I always seem to lose one pound and then spend the next three weeks gaining another 3. It’s mind boggling. Am I the only one who this happens to?

So back to my plan. I know that eating healthy alone won’t get these 30 pounds off my larger than life behind. Exercise needs to happen. I lost weight following Jillian Michael’s old school fitness DVD’s back in the days when I was trying to lose the baby weight I had gained. So I’ve committed to all Jillian, all the time. Well, for the next few months anyway!

January Goals + Results

In January, I committed to completing her 30 Day Shred program along with walking for 30 minutes every day. And tracking what I ate using the LoseIt app. 

Guys. I lost weight in January. A whopping 4.6 pounds.

Now, usually I would think that number would suck. But the one good thing WW taught me is that a healthy weight loss range per week is about 1 to 2 pounds. On WW, it took me 8 months to lose 3 pounds. Just in one month of watching my portions and not stressing about food, and working out for about 60 minutes a day...I lost 4.6 pounds. I take that as a win and I’m so pumped for February.

February Goals

This month, I’m continuing my calorie tracking (to date I’m on a 33 day streak) and daily 30 minute walks. Additionally, my Jillian Michaels DVD of choice is to rotate Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (BFBM) and No More Trouble Zone (NMTZ) from Monday to Saturday. Sunday’s will be a rest day or an active recovery day (more walking for me).

My next weigh in is on Friday morning...wish me luck!

*I am not popular enough to earn money off anything I promote. I\"m affiliated with no one. Any product I discuss in this post is just meant to share what I like and what\"s working for me. Sharing is caring!


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