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The First Time is Always the Hardest

September 5: A few hours ago, anxious as heck, I sat in the parking lot at my local gym, waiting. On a whim I signed up for a membership last week with some friends and tonight was my first time visiting said gym. We were taking a 30 minute #HIIT class and while I was excited to try it, I was crippled with fear and anxiety. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. My belly gets in the way of everything. I’m not bendy in any way. Like at all! And, I have hip issues. I hate being watched.  My anxiety made me get to the gym 40 minutes early. Scared I’d be late. Scared to show up after the class started. Everyone looking at me. So I sat in the car waiting. Fretting. Beating myself up for letting myself “go” all these years. If I had stayed in shape, I wouldn’t be scared I’d throw up in front of everyone. I fretted until the very last minute before the class started. But knowing I had a friend waiting and counting on me made me move my butt out of that car. Inside the gym, I swipe my pass and I can

365 Days of Blogging: Challenge Accepted

365 days of blogging…am I out of my mind? I think so. Besides keeping my children and dog alive, I don’t think I’ve committed to anything consistently for longer than a few weeks. The challenge to myself is this. Rather than focus on monetizing a blog with zero content, or content that doesn’t really feel like it has a purpose to me, I’ll use this blog for something good. Stretching my creative muscle and helping me ease my daily anxieties with some writing about anything that I want because it’s my blog (and I can if I want to). 

I don't know what exactly I want this blog to focus on, but I gather within the next 365 days, the purpose will take shape...I'm excited to see what becomes of this.

Ok well Day 1 was pretty was laid back and easy...tomorrow’s another story! 😂


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